Tournament regulations
1. Under the auspices of the European Draughts Confederation (EDC), Estonian Draughts Federation (EDF) will organize the 17th European Youth Championships.
2. The tournament will take place in Tallinn, at the hotel Dzingel, Männiku Road 89 (accommodation, playing hall) from 1st to 7th of August 2015. Arrival day is 31st of July, opening – on 1st of August at 12 a.m. closing – on 7th of August afternoon, departure day 7th and 8th of August.
3. There will be 8 separate tournaments:
3.1. Juniors - Boys – boys born 1st of January 1996 or later;
3.2. Juniors - Girls – girls born 1st of January 1996 or later;
3.3. Cadets - Boys – boys born 1st of January 1999 or later;
3.4. Cadets - Girls – girls born 1st of January 1999 or later;
3.5. Mini cadets - Boys – boys born 1st of January 2002 or later;
3.6. Mini cadets - Girls – players born 1st of January 2002 or later;
3.7. European Hopes - Boys – boys born 1st of January 2005 or later;
3.8. European Hopes - Girls – girls born 1st of January 2005 or later.
4. Only the members of the national federations affiliated to the FMJD can participate. The players must have the citizenship of the Federation they represent or be members of this federation according to FMJD rules. EDC has the right to invite some players from new countries (never been members of FMJD).
5. There are 3 places for every national federation in each tournament. Additional places may be given:
5.1.1 additional place in each tournament may be given for the organizing federation (EDF);
5.2.1 additional place in each tournament may be given for the sponsors (independently of national federation membership of participant); in case of interest contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.3.1 additional place may be given for organizing federation (or for other federation at the suggestion of organizing federation) in case of odd number of participants in some tournaments.
6. Applications (only from national federations) should be sent by e-mail to EDC (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and to organizer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before June 1st and contain the list of players in order of tournaments with full name, surname, date of birth, also the name of the official representative of national federation on the Championship. The 1st players in each tournament have to be marked in this list. Organizing federation (EDF) also send application to EDC, marked separately basic and additional players. In case of any problems the national federation should contact EDC directly.
7. Before the beginning of the Championship (at the July 31 evening) a preliminary meeting will be held by the Chief Referee who will expound the present regulations to players, directors and journalists.
8. Depending on the Chief Referee decision swiss or round robin tournaments will be played. In case of unequal number of participants in some tournaments other tournaments’ systems can be used according the Chief Referee decision in consultation with EDC official representative. Chief Referee have the right to determine, that players from the same national federation have not to play between each other in a few last rounds depending on tournaments system and number of participants.
9. Time control 80’ + 1’ per move (Fisher system). In European Hopes tournaments other time control may be used according the Chief Referee decision in consultation with EDC official representative.
10. Final places determine according FMJD rules applying to corresponding tournaments system. Barrages should not be played. Only in case of all criteria of challengers for champion’s title will be an equal, barrage should be played (2 games with the time control 5’ + 3” per move (Fisher system) and if champion will not specified, then – games with time control 3’ + 2” per move till the first winning). Details will be announced by the Chief Referee after the consultations with EDC official representative.
11. On 7th of August the Blitz Championship will be played. There is no limit to number of player from one federation in the Blitz Championship. Details will be announced by the Chief Referee after the consultations with EDC official representative.
12. National teams’ classifications in the context of the Championship and Blitz Championship will be determined.
12.1. National teams (teams of the national federations) results determine on the basis of individual results of players, who represent this national federation. Not more then 3 players’ results (according applications given by national federations official representatives before the beginning of the Championship) can be count.
12.2. 1st place give to the national team 70 points, 2nd place – 50 points, 3rd place – 40 points, 4th place – 30 points, 5th place – 20 points, 6th place – 10 points, 7th place – 9 points, 8th place – 8 points, 9th place – 7 points, 10th place – 6 points, 11th place – 5 points, 12th place – 4 points, 13th place – 3 points, 14th place – 2 points, 15th and so on until the last place –1 point.
12.3. If the number of points will be an equal, number of 1st places, than 2nd, 3rd and so on places decide.
13. In any other cases – FMJD rules decide.
14. Prizes:
14.1. medals for the 3 first places in each tournament (including Blitz Championship)
14.2. cups for the 3 first places in each tournament (including Blitz Champions)
14.3. diploma for the 3 first places in each tournament (including Blitz Championship)
14.4. cups for medallists in the National teams’ classifications (including Blitz Championship)
15. Financial conditions
15.1. Inscription fee 40 euro for the 1st player from federation in group and 10 euro for 2nd and 3rd ;
15.2. 10 euro for each player in Blitz Championship.
15.3. Inscription fees must be paid before the beginning of the Championship.
15.4. Organizers cover all hospitality cost for 1st players from each national federation in each tournament. 2nd, 3rd and additional players, also accompanying persons pay for themselves. Full accommodation during all Championship (including 3-time meals from 31st of July dinner till 7th of August lunch) is 200 EUR per person, if it will be paid by bank transfer* at latest 1st July, 2015. Otherwise, the cost is 210 EUR in cash before opening ceremony.
16. Accommodation in rooms for 2 or 3 people at the hotel Dzingel. Single rooms are available for extra charge. Reservations will be made by organizers only: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Additional nights are possible at advanced request and booking by June, 15 the latest.
17. With all hospitality, including reservation and visa questions please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Transfer is possible (from Tallinn Airport or Bus Station to the hotel and back). The cost is 5 eur one way per person.
* In case of bank transfer, the money should be on the account to
Estonian Draughts Federation. Beneficary:
Estonian Draughts Federation Address: Vene 29, Tallinn 10123
Estonia Bank: SEB Bank`s address: Tornimäe 2, Tallinn, Estonia
BIC (Swift code): EEUHEE2X
IBAN account no: EE531010052023226003